Introducing our Joint Forward Plan 

Our five-year Joint Forward Plan sets out how we – NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board (ICB) – and our partners will achieve our ambitious mission for our services, local people, and workforce. It is our commitment to deliver a change. 

Each Integrated Care Board in England is required to have a Joint Forward Plan. In Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, our plan has been written by a wide range of health and care professionals and partners from across the county, who have spent time listening to local communities about what they want from health and care services. 

You can read the full JFP here: ICS Joint Forward Plan 2024-29 and a summary version here: Joint Forward Plan Summary

You can also read more about the insights and feedback local people and communities shared with us as part of developing this plan on our Let's Talk page. Let's Talk: Your Health & Care | CPICS Website

Find out more about our approach 

As part of our Joint Forward Plan we’ve committed to making sure health and care services are simpler to access, more integrated, and more local to our communities, and that they are continually improved.  

To help us do this, we have agreed on five key elements that will together form our approach to improving health and care for our local communities over the coming years. 

Focus on the basics

Local people need to be able to access the health and care services they need, when they need them. That's why one of our commitments is to focus on getting the basics right. 

This includes improving performance on major causes of ill health and death such as canceer, reducing waiting lists, and impriving urgent care so that people who need emergency treatement can get this quickly and safely. 

There are four delivery areas covered within this priority. These are cancer services, planned care, urgent and emergency care, and maternity and neonatal services.

Always think ahead

Our population is changing and growing. As we work towards healthier futures for everyone in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, we need to keep looking to the future and always think ahead. 

As part of this work, we're improving how to recruit and retain people in health and care - stabilising our workforce so that we can continue to provide local communities with the services they need. We're also identifying and supporting those people who ahve high or complex needs for health and care, so that they can be as well as possible.

The delivery areas covered within this priroty include  cardiovascular disease (CVD), population health management, workforce, and identifying and better supporting people with high or cpmplex needs. This includes high intensity users, people with advanced illness, and people who are receiving end of life care. 

Reform services

We are reforming services so that they are fit for purpose for our local communities, now and in the future.

As part of our Joint Forward Plan, we've committed to reforming children and young people's mental health services,and community care including primary care. We are also committing to making services as productive as they can be, across health and care. 

The delivery areas covered within this priority include babies, children and young people, mental health, learning disabilites and autism, diagnostics and community diagnostic centres, and primary care. This will enable us to reform services as part of our commitment within the Joint Forward Plan. 

Make big moves

We want to focus our efforts on those things, that will make the biggest possible positive impact for our local community. That's why we've committed to making big moves as part of our Joint Forward Plan. 

This includes making the best of all public estates (buildings), and capital, and a bigger focus on prevention to help people stay healthier for longer.

Our North and South partnerships have each committed to a delivery area. Digital is also covered within this priority as well as our four strategic priorities - which includes detail on how we will focus on prevention.

Lead well

As the organisation responsible for planning and funding NHS services in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, we recognise that we have an important part to play in helping to lead the Integrated Care System so that our partnership can achieve great results for local communities. That’s why we’re committed to leading well, as we work together towards healthier futures. 

To ensure we lead well as an organisation, we have agreed plans in place on out green plan, procurement, organisational development, and quality improvement. These delivery eares will give teams the clarity and accountability they need to deliver better outcomes for our communities, as we work all together for healthier futures.