Child Death Review

The Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP)
Every child death is a tragedy for the family and the wider community. The CDOP reviews the deaths of all children and young people prior to their 18th birthday (not including still births and medical terminations of pregnancy). The main aim of the CDOP is to prevent future child deaths.
Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP)
Reporting a child death
If you are a professional seeking to report the death of a child that resides in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, you should do so via the eCDOP online portal .
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough child death review queries can be sent via the single point of contact:
Functions of CDOP
- to collect and collate information about each child death, seeking relevant information from professionals and, where appropriate, family members.
- to analyse the information obtained, including the report from the CDRM, in order to confirm or clarify the cause of death, to determine any contributory factors, and to identify learning arising from the child death review process that may prevent future child deaths.
- to make recommendations to all relevant organisations where actions have been identified which may prevent future child deaths or promote the health, safety and wellbeing of children.
- to notify the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel and local Safeguarding Partners when it suspects that a child may have been abused or neglected.
- to provide specified data to the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD).
- to produce an annual report for CDR partners on local patterns and trends in child deaths, any lessons learnt/actions taken, and the effectiveness of the wider child death review process.
- to contribute to local, regional and national initiatives to improve learning from child death reviews, including, where appropriate, approved research carried out within the requirements of data protection.
CDOP statutory requirements
When a child dies, in any circumstances, it is important for parents and families to understand what has happened and whether there are any lessons to be learned.
The responsibility for ensuring child death reviews are carried out is held by ‘child death review partners,’ who, in relation to a local authority area in England, are defined as the local authority for that area and any integrated care boards operating in the local authority area.
Child death review partners must make arrangements to review all deaths of children normally resident in the local area and, if they consider it appropriate, for any non-resident child who has died in their area.
Child death review partners for two or more local authority areas may combine and agree that their areas be treated as a single area for the purpose of undertaking child death reviews.
Child death review partners must make arrangements for the analysis of information from all deaths reviewed.
The purpose of a review and/or analysis is to identify any matters relating to the death, or deaths, that are relevant to the welfare of children in the area or to public health and safety, and to consider whether action should be taken in relation to any matters identified. If child death review partners find action should be taken by a person or organisation, they must inform them.