What is My Care Record?
Many health and care organisations hold records about you on separate systems, which means it can be difficult for them to work together effectively. My Care Record is an approach that will enable health and care professionals (clinical and non-clinical members of staff) across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to access the information they need to look after you and your family.
It will take time to deliver this new service in full across all health and care services and some of the benefits may not be available straight away. Once completed and fully accessible, My Care Record should provide:
- a read-only view of a patient’s information record
- better co-ordinated and seamless care between services
- quicker diagnosis and treatment
- more time to spend on clinical care
- less paperwork
- reduce the need to repeat information to different services
- fewer unnecessary clinical tests
- more accurate prescriptions
- better health and care planning.
For more information on this approach, including further details of how your information will be used visit mycarerecord.org.uk.
Can I object to information being access through My Care Record?
You can object to your record being shared between services. To do this, speak to the person delivering care to you at each organisation such as your GP, specialist or social worker.
Additionally, if you live in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, you can choose to use an online form to register/discuss an objection. Please fill in this form to object to your record being shared.
- It is important to understand that not allowing access to your information may affect the quality of the care you receive.
- Only health and social care professionals involved in your care are allowed to access your information. These people are viewing your record to give you the best quality care they can.
- In many situations it is necessary to share information between services to deliver care. However, it may be possible to request that specific or sensitive information is not made available.
There may be circumstances where your objection may not be upheld. For example:
- If it is in the public interest for information to still be shared. For example, if there is a safeguarding issue, or in the case of an individual who might be at risk from harming themselves or a member of the public.
- If clinical care cannot be provided, for example, GPs providing additional routine appointments at the weekend need access to your GP record to provide you with safe effective care. In this instance, you may choose not to have the appointment.
- Some computer systems may not be well enough developed to prevent the sharing of information. However, this information still remains confidential amongst the team of people that are directly caring for you.
For information about My Care Record in other parts of the East of England visit mycarerecord.org.uk.