Our Outcomes Framework
Our Outcomes Framework is based on the core aims of our Health & Wellbeing Integrated Care Strategy , it supports our Joint Forward Plan , and it helps to guide the evolving delivery plans of our place-based partnerships.
Introducing Our Outcomes Framework
Outcomes measure the whole system’s success in reducing illness and keeping people who live across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Royston well. Outcomes are the ‘things we know people care about’, they are the result of the care, treatment and support we - provide.
During 2023/24 we worked with a wide range of stakeholders to develop the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICS Outcomes Framework. This was formally agreed by the ICB Board in May 2024, and we and system partners are now using it to guide our current and future plans.
Based on the core aims and priorities of our Health & Wellbeing Integrated Care Strategy, our Outcomes Framework sets out an agreed set of ‘outcomes’ that we as an ICS want to achieve for our local population. It is supported by a set of indicators which enable us to track and monitor our progress so we can then identify areas or opportunities to improve and work to reduce inequalities within our local area.
The following short video sets out how our Outcomes Framework is helping to guide our current and future plans for health and care locally.
In addition to the overall ICS Outcome Framework documents that are available in the dropdown menu below, there are now a number of helpful resources and tools available to update on our progress.
This includes:
- a new ‘at a glance’ Infographic that captures the key focus areas of the Outcomes Framework.
- a new interactive dashboard for the Outcomes Framework has also gone live. Hosted on the Cambridgeshire Insights website , the dashboard enables staff and the general public to track progress for each of the agreed outcomes measures.
You can also find the following documents in the dropdown menu below.
- ICS Outcomes Framework — which explains the Outcomes Framework in more detail;
- Outcomes Framework Presentation — which sets out all of the domains included in the Outcomes Framework with details of both the high level outcomes and proxy measures for each.
- Outcomes Framework Technical Document — which provides a level of clarity over where the data is being sourced from and the current data available.