Let's Talk
Find out how you can share your views about local health and care with us, to help us shape your local services.
Our Integrated Care System brings together voluntary, community, and social enterprise organisations; local authorities; NHS providers; and other partners to all work towards healthier futures for you and one million other people living in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Royston.
Whilst all ICS partners work hard to give local people a better experience of health and care, we know we can’t do this without you. That’s why we want to talk to local people like you throughout everything we do, to make sure that your views and experiences play a crucial role in shaping our work.
You can get involved and have your say in your health and care in many different ways. We regularly run Let’s Talk conversations with local people on specific topics, from healthcare provision in rural towns to the future of GP services in our communities. You can find out more about the Let’s Talk conversations that we have already started so far by using the right-side menu.
We also run other consultations and surveys so that local people can have their say about specific service proposals and help to shape services. You can find out more about our consultations and surveys on our dedicated page.
Even in those moments that we’re not running a specific Let’s Talk conversation or survey, we still want to hear from you. For compliments, complaints, and other feedback, you can contact us by emailing our Patient Experience Team via cpicb.pet@nhs.net, or call 0800 279 2535. If you would prefer to write to us, you can do so by using the details on our contact page.
If you’re passionate about improving the health and care system in Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Royston, you can also get involved by becoming one of our Patient Safety Partners. As a Patient Safety Partner there are no set time commitments to meet – and we will reimburse your expenses and offer involvement payments where appropriate, in line with the NHS England and Improvement Framework. Find out more via Patient Safety Partners | News and events | CPICS Website.
However you choose to get involved, please do make your voice heard as we work all together for healthier futures.