Cambridgeshire South Care Partnership
We are a partnership that brings together health and social care services across Cambridge City, East Cambridgeshire and South Cambridgeshire (including Royston).
Who are we?
Our Cambridgeshire South Care Partnership, like the wider Integrated Care System (ICS), works across health, local authority, voluntary sector, and the wider community. We take collective responsibility for improving the health and wellbeing of residents within our place, with a population of around 464,000. We are one of two place-based partnerships in the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICS, the other being North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership.
Most people’s day to day care and support needs will be met within a place and delivered through our integrated neighbourhoods. These work with smaller population groups of 30,000 to 50,000 people.
What are we working on?
We are focusing on four key areas over the next few months:
- Urgent Community Response
- we are working with our colleagues in North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership, and across the ICS to provide a two hour community response for people in urgent need. The aim is to treat people more comfortably in their own home and prevent someone going to hospital for care or admission when they could be looked after at home
- Integrated Discharge Hub/ Transfer of Care Hub programmes
- looking at how we can help local people in hospital to come home with everything they need to support them
- Integrated Neighbourhoods
- Ageing Well
- we have an ageing community across the country, and more locally
- we are also looking at what services and organisations are doing. We want to get a clear picture and work out where any gaps are, or great pieces of work. We can then use this information to make sure everyone can access the same level of care
- our first piece of work is looking at how we can help to prevent further falls by someone who has already had one that needed an ambulance or was admitted to hospital as a result.
These initial areas have come from discussions among all the partners involved in the Cambridgeshire South Care Partnership and will continue and grow over the next few months. We will also be expanding to ensure we include local voices and organisations to co-produce our strategy for the area and make sure it hears your voice and meets local needs.
How do we make decisions?
Our Board sets out our framework and makes key decisions. It currently operates with an interim membership, led by two chairs Nicola Ayton and Dr James Morrow.
The Board will be responsible for using the available resources to make sure there are fair and equitable services for people living and working in the city and county.
What does this mean for you?
All our work is taking place for our local people.
We want our people to live healthy, resilient and independent lives, with simple access to support and care when needed, as close to home as possible. We will organise care with, and for, the people living in our communities so that they experience the health and wellbeing outcomes that matter to them.
To help us achieve this we are working out what people and local communities need to stay well and what already works.
This is a two way process, and we want to make sure we hear what is important to you, listen to your thoughts and ideas, and provide opportunities to involve you in decisions about care and support that affects you, your family and neighbours.
Our Get Involved pages provide several options to hear from us, and read about the opportunities available but if you have any specific ideas or suggestions, please contact us.