Children's & Maternity Partnership
Our Children's & Maternity Partnership is made up of partners across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough working together to improve care for people using maternity services, children and young people.
Across the area, GP practices, maternity units, Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations, acute hospital trusts, and local authorities work together to provide care and support. All of these organisations form part of, and contribute to, the Children's & Maternity Partnership.
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust (CCS) is the team captain of the Children's & Maternity Partnership, and as team captain they are responsible for bringing together our local people, volunteers, and service providers to make it easy for you to access the services you and your family need.
What is our aim?
The aim of the Children's & Maternity Partnership is to develop a collective system-wide vision for children, young people and maternity services. Our overarching priority is to tackle health inequalities, promote choice and personalisation and to keep children safe.
This system wide vision for children, young people and maternity is underpinned by the following strategies:
- Best Start in Life Strategy (pre-birth – 5 years)
- Strong Families, Strong Communities Strategy (5-25 yrs)
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy (0-25 yrs) – Cambridgeshire
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy (0-25 yrs) – Peterborough
- Accessible Local Transformation Plan 2015-2021 (1).pdf [pdf] 911KB
- NHS Long Term Plan
How will we achieve this?
By working together, with partners, to deliver an integrated care system for maternity, children and young people. We will:
- develop a set of system-wide outcomes for maternity, children and young people
- agree an initial local framework and associated development plan for clinical and care professional leadership with partners across the Integrated Care System (ICS)
- ensure leaders from all clinical and care professions are involved and invested in the vision, purpose and work of their ICS as it matures
- align finances to support the children and maternity system.
We have agreed a number of principles that we will all work to:
- evidence informed, using data to respond to local need and inequalities
- embed co-production with patients and families
- integrate pathways to improve care and outcomes
- collaborate and be jointly accountable
- flexible commissioning arrangements
- sustainability through realignment of existing resources
- clear and transparent decision making.
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Strategy - Maternity & Neonatal Services
Every year, over 9,000 babies are born to families living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. About 1,330 of these babies will need care in a neonatal unit, because they were born early or sick. All these babies will be cared for by maternity, obstetric and neonatal services.
Babies are often born or cared for in hospitals outside of their local area, and in 2022, 11,546 babies were born in our three local hospitals, and our three neonatal units treated between 1,000 – 2,000 babies, many of whom are from outside of Cambridgeshire or Peterborough.
Families in the North of Cambridgeshire may go to The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn for their maternity and obstetric services.
This document sets out our goals for maternity, obstetric and neonatal services for the next ten years. It also lays out how we will progress towards these goals for the next three years.
To us, the maternity and neonatal system is all the services that care for and support pregnant and birth women and people, parents, babies, and their families, from the start of a pregnancy until day 10 of their lives for healthy babies, and through neonatal care for those who need it. There are numerous agencies and services involved in this care.
Keep up to date:
If you would like to receive regular updates on the progress and latest developments of the Maternity and Neonatal strategy, email the Children and Maternity team.
Here are the associated documents for you to read:
1. ICS Maternity and Neonatal Strategy.pdf [pdf] 2MB
2. ICS Maternity and Neonatal Strategy Stakeholder engagement report.pdf [pdf] 915KB
3. ICS Maternity and Neonatal Strategy Research and Policy Briefing.pdf [pdf] 489KB
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Better Births Equality and Equity Plan
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Infant Feeding Strategy 2022 - 2027
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough children and young people's mental health strategy 2022-2025
There are at least 34,400 children and young people with mental health problems in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and rates of mental ill health continue to grow in this population.
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough children and young people’s strategy has been developed by children and young people and their families and carers with professionals from a wide range of local partners from across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System.
The strategy 0-25 years is for children and young people who have an identified mental health need. The strategy details the priorities for 2022-2025 and sets out the vision, key priorities and next steps for children and young people’s mental health.
Keep up to date:
If you would like to receive regular updates on the progress and latest developments of the children and young people’s strategy, email cpicb.cypmh@nhs.net
Here are the associated documents for you to to read:
- Executive Summary CYP Mental Health Strategy
- Easy Read CYP Mental Health Strategy
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s children and young people’s mental health strategy 2022 – 2025
Year 1 Update:
CYP MH supporting documents
Here are the associated and supporting documents detailed in the Children and Young People's Mental Health Strategy.
Local Transformation Plan 2021
Health & Wellbring Integrated Care Strategy Priority Chapter Four
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough All Age Autism Strategy 2021 – 2026
Children and Young People's Mental Health Newsletters
Children and Young People's Mental Health Newsletter - Edition 13 - December 2024
Children and Young People's Mental Health Newsletter - Edition 12 - October 2024
Children and Young People's Mental Health Newsletter - Edition 11 - June 2024
Children and Young People's Mental Health Newsletter - Edition 10 - April 2024
Children and Young People's Mental Health Newsletter - Edition 9 - February 2024
Children and Young People's Mental Health Newsletter - Edition 8 - Winter 2023
Children and Young People's Mental Health Newsletter - Edition 7- Autumn 2023