1. Our Mission

    1. Our Ambitions
    2. Our Challenges
    3. Our Outcomes Framework
    4. Our Plans
    5. Our Priorities
    6. Our Strategic Commissioning Plan
  2. About Us

    1. Our People
    2. Our Partnership
    3. Joint Health & Wellbeing Board and Integrated Care Partnership
    4. NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough
    5. Safeguarding
    6. Jobs
    7. How we meet our duties
    8. Jargon buster
  3. Our Teams

    1. North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership
    2. Cambridgeshire South Care Partnership
    3. Children's & Maternity Partnership
    4. Mental Health, Learning Disability & Autism Partnership
  4. Get Involved

    1. Let's Talk
    2. Housing needs survey
    3. Voluntary Sector Network
    4. Freedom of Information (FOI)
    5. How To Get Involved
    6. Patient Experience Team
    7. Shared Data Environment
    8. Contact us
    9. Access to Records
  5. Your Health & Care

    1. My Care Record
    2. Local Services
    3. Palliative and End of Life Care
    4. Patient Choice
    5. Waiting Well
    6. NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC)
    7. The Vaccinators
      1. Community Pharmacies offering COVID-19 vaccinations
      2. GP Practices offering COVID-19 vaccinations
    8. Your Healthier Future
    9. Well Together This Spring
  6. What's Happening

    1. News and events
    2. ICS Newsletter
  7. Healthcare Professionals

    1. Policies and thresholds
      1. Clinical Policies
      2. Additional information on policies
      3. Clinical Policies Forum
      4. Exceptional and individual funding
        1. Appeals
      5. Specialised commissioning
      6. Seeking medical treatment abroad
    2. Prescribing
      1. Pharmacy First Toolkit for GPs
      2. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Formulary
      3. Local Pathways and Guidelines
      4. Group Prior Approvals
      5. Controlled Drugs Resources
      6. Medicines Supply Information
      7. Let's Talk Medicines Newsletters
      8. Care Home Resources
      9. Patient Group Directions
      10. Shared Care Guidance
    3. Patient pathways
      1. Safeguarding information for health and care professionals
        1. Mental Capacity
      2. Clinical information for Primary Care
        1. Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment (ReSPECT)
      3. Healthier You Diabetes Prevention Programme
      4. Palliative and End of Life Information for Health Care Professionals
    4. Primary care
      1. Approval Process for GP Premises Improvement Schemes
      2. Local Commissioning Agreements
      3. Local Practices
      4. Social Prescribing
      5. GP Resilience
      6. Training Hub
      7. Primary Care IT
      8. Tier 2 Sponsorship
    5. News and resources
      1. Frailty
      2. Hydration - It All Counts - Resources & Training
      3. Working Together Principles
      4. Greener NHS – info for Health Professionals
      5. Latest news
      6. Communications Hub
        1. Cervical screening toolkit
        2. Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub
        3. WorkWell toolkit
        4. Home for lunch toolkit
        5. Your Healthier Future Toolkit
        6. Digital Survey 2024
      7. Research Updates - Health Professionals
      8. Document Finder
      9. Shared Care Record
        1. Latest News - Shared Care Record
      10. Registration and revalidation page
      11. Infection prevention and control