Shared Care Record
Find out more about the Shared Care Record, a system which will join up information that is currently held separately by different services across the ICS.
The Shared Care Record is a digital record system that will improve the delivery of care by joining up information which is currently held in separate records and databases by health and social care services across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. It will enable clinicians, admin staff and social care professionals to see information about a person’s health and social care record in one place.
Sharing information across services within our region will become easier and bring significant benefits for users and those we care for. It will help to improve the care and support provided as well as reduce the time spent on administration to co-ordinate care across our different services. Having the Shared Care Record in place will allow us to make the most of the technology we already have and bring benefits to users and the people who access our services whilst we continue to invest in digital services.
The Shared Care Record will provide:
Connecting Health and Social Care through Digital...
Instant access at the touch of a button...
The Shared Care Record is now sharing five types of key mental health documents ...
The Integrated Care System’s (ICS) health and care partners involved in Shared Care Record for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are listed below:
Data was made available in the Shared Care Record from existing records in National Services, Primary Care (GPs), Mental Health and Community Health Services across the Peterborough & Cambridgeshire ICS area.
A planned delivery programme will see additional data being released from each partner and user accounts activated.
Organisation |
Speciality |
Data Available |
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |
Tertiary |
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust (NWAFT) |
Acute Hospital |
Primary Care (SystmOne) |
GPs |
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust (CCS) |
Community |
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) |
Mental Health |
Data Feeds Available @ January 2025
Cambridgeshire County Council & Peterborough City Council |
Adult Social Care |
Our Sharing Framework – all ICS partner organisations have signed up to the ‘My Care Record’ information sharing framework which describes our commitments to sharing information legally, safely, and responsibly. This framework also dictates the conditions under which we can share information for the purpose of providing care.
For more information about My Care Record please visit our regional (East of England) website
Objecting to Share: GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) provides the legal basis to share information between health and social care services when it is needed to deliver direct care. Within this, there is a requirement to be transparent with the public about how information is shared. Any individual who has a health or social care record is allowed to object to their data being shared in this way.
Members of the public can object to their records and information being shared between health and social care partners in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Services (ICS) area via My Care Record.
However, it is important that anyone thinking of objecting to share their information first considers the following points before reaching a decision:
It is also important to remember there may be occasions when an objection to share may not be upheld. For example, if it is in the public interest for information to still be shared. This may be when there is a safeguarding issue or when an individual may be at risk of harming themselves or other people.
If someone still wishes to object to sharing their information and medical records via My Care Record, they will need to complete this form . Further information about My Care Record can be found on the regional website My Care Record - Home
If a member of the public has a question or complaint relating to data protection, they can email their questions or concerns to cpm-tr.mycarerecord@nhs.net
A Training Pack has been developed for staff to access . Your own organisation will advise you if they are providing additional or more specific training.
As access for each partner is via a link in existing EPR or record systems, Quick Reference Guides are also available to download illustrating how to access the Shared Care Record, find patients, search, filter and expand data. You can find Quick Reference Guides for SystmOne, Mosaic, Lorenzo and e-Track on the Future NHS Site - Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Shared Care Record – Connecting People, Connecting Care - FutureNHS Collaboration Platform
If you are unable to access the Future NHS site, please email the Shared Care Record team for a copy of the Quick Reference Guide for your organisation - cpm-tr.cpstpdigital@nhs.net
The Shared Care Record brand and logo is used for all internal communications to staff across the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS area. The Shared Care Record can be described as the technology, or single system that will securely join up information and data currently held in separate records.
The My Care Record brand and logo is used for all public facing communications. My Care Record is an approach to improving care by joining up health and social care information and data. My Care Record is not the technology or the system - it supports providers to use technology such as shared care records to join-up information securely.
There is a range of communications materials and social media assets available for ICS staff and partners to access and use to support the delivery, implementation, and use of the Shared Care Record. These materials and assets can be used to support and strengthen campaign messages and include summary information in different languages.
Please visit our regional My Care Record website to access and download all available resources.
We continue to work on solutions for the future expansion of the system and to pull in and make available information from a range of related health and care organisations. As an example, Cambridgeshire Community Services Dental Team has already proactively approached us to get access to the Shared Care Record.
The Dental Service clinical team identified the following information as being beneficial to them for the purpose of administrating and treating people who need their special care dentistry services.
This information is often difficult to get directly from the patient:
Dental Service users will be able to access information in the Shared Care Record when Phase 2 is live.