Consultations and surveys
Our consultation and engagement work play is vital to shaping health and care services delivered across our area.
We put patients at the heart of everything we do, and are committed to open consultation to improve the health and wellbeing of local communities and reducing health inequalities.
We will formally consult with patients and the local community if we are looking to make significant service changes, and carry out engagement more widely on the services we provide. Significant service changes, for example, could be moving a service from one location to another or closing a service. We will always publish details of our consultations, making sure they are accessible and as easy as possible for people to respond to and promote them locally.
Alongside consultations, we also regularly run surveys asking local people about their views on, and experience of, specific services or issues. You can find current and past surveys and consultations via the right hand side menu.
Further information
If you cannot find what you are looking for, or if would like further information, please contact the Communications and Engagement team on 03300 571021 or via cpicb.contact@nhs.net