Learning Disability GP referrals information
Local Services
Easy read Information
- A Picture of HEALTH (Making Health Information Easier) - Easy read information for people with learning disabilities
- EasyHealth - health information that is easy to understand
Healthy Lifestyles
- Special Olympics Great Britain - sports training and competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities
- Eat Well Guide
- A Picture of Health - healthy life styles pages
- Caroline Walker Trust - information and publications on healthy eating
Annual Health Check and screening programmes
- Support for people with a learning disability from Sussex Health & Care - includes helpful videos on the annual health check and on bowel, breast and cervical cancer screening
- RCGP Annual Health Check resources guide
- RCGP Health checks for people with learning disabilities toolkit
- Supercharged Me - website for people with learning disabilities about the health check
- Choice and Medication Website for Mental Health medication, treatment and conditions-includes printable patient information leaflets in different formats-eg very easy read, different languages.
Reasonable adjustment
Learning disability and autism resources
Supporting people with learning disabilities and autism during COVID-19
- Accessible information that explains what happens when you are tested for the Coronavirus (James Paget University Hospitals).
- Lots of useful resources to help with wellbeing (self-help booklets), setting up face to face calls via Teams, Zoom and WhatsApp (video tutorials), and links to fun things to do (South London and Maudsley Hospital).
- Activity Ideas for people with learning disabilities who are inpatient units (Learning Disability Senate).
- A series of videos to help people with a learning disability to understand anxiety, and learn some techniques to manage these feelings: anxiety and the body, five things to do when feeling anxious, five seconds breathing exercise, balloon breathing exercise, breathing exercise using your imagination, explaining mindfulness and the five things exercise, my relaxing place exercise (Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust).
- A “Grab and Go” guide (with supporting guidance) that gives the information that doctors and nurses will need if a person with a learning disability and/or autism goes to hospital with COVID-19 symptoms (NHS England).
- COVID-19 guidance for individuals in receipt of personal budgets and personal health budgets (Department of Health and Social Care).
- Top ten tips for staff supporting patients with learning disabilities or autism during COVID-9 (King’s Health Partners).