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Careers Expo 2025

Over 2,500 students from across the area will attend a special Careers Expo during National Careers Week next week to learn more about local health and care careers.
Organised by Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System, the Expo will welcome year 10, 11, and 12 students from nearly 50 schools at Kingsgate Conference Centre in Peterborough on Tuesday 4 March and Wednesday 5 March.
Building on the success of the last year’s inaugural Careers Expo, this year twice as many students are expected to attend. Students will have the chance to speak to a wide range of health and care staff and providers, from social care workers to ambulance teams and from learning disability nurses to infection control experts.
Students will be able to test how steady their hands are on a life-size version of the classic game Operation, practice performing CPR on a dummy, and use Virtual Reality headsets to experience what working in health and care might be like. There will also be an opportunity for students to drop into the Employability Room where staff give top tips on CV preparation and interview skills.
Emily Handley, Clinical Learning Environment Lead for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System, said:
“We’re looking forward to welcoming thousands of students at this year’s Careers Expo. With so many exciting career paths on display at the event, this is a great opportunity to inspire the next generation of health and care professionals.
“We would like to say a massive thank you to colleagues from across the sector who are taking the time to show students what a brilliant future a career in health and care can offer.”
More information about local health and care career opportunities can be found via www.candphealthandcarejobs.co.uk.