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Careers Expo success

Earlier this month, we welcomed almost 2000 year 10, 11 and 12 students to our second ever Health and Care Careers Expo, with staff from across the sector on hand to talk to students about the brilliant future a career in health and care could offer. Students were able to get involved and test how steady their hands were on a life-size version of the classic game Operation, practice performing CPR on a dummy, and use Virtual Reality headsets to experience what working in health and care might be like.
Building on the success of the last year’s inaugural Careers Expo, this year twice as many students attended. They had the chance to speak to a wide range of health and care staff and providers, from social care workers to ambulance teams and from learning disability nurses to infection control experts.
Claudia Iton, Chief People Officer at Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System said: “It’s been amazing to see almost 2,000 students attend, interact and get involved with the hands-on demonstrations and activities brought to the event by the wide range of providers.
Claudia added: “I would really like to thank all of those who have taken part and made this possible.”
A big thank you to everyone who helped organise the event, who spoke to students and to the schools and students themselves who attended.
More information about local health and care career opportunities can be found via www.candphealthandcarejobs.co.uk.