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Mega Lungs Event

‘Mega lungs’ event to raise awareness of lung cancer among Peterborough shoppers
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is working with the local NHS to bring its inflatable ‘mega lungs’ to Queensgate shopping centre this weekend, to show shoppers the dangers of lung cancer.
The event on Saturday 15 March, from 9am until 4pm, will be vital in helping to raise awareness of the NHS Lung Cancer Screening Programme which is being rolled out across the area this spring, starting in Peterborough and Huntingdon. Current and ex-smokers aged 55-74 will be invited to book a free NHS lung cancer screening over the coming weeks, to help catch signs of lung cancer as soon as possible.
At 12 feet high, the giant inflatable ‘mega lungs’ are a great visual tool to show local people what diseases can affect the lungs – and what everyone can do to reduce their risk of poor lung health.
NHS staff from across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System will work alongside the Roy Castle team on the day to give shoppers advice on how to keep their lungs healthy, including through support to stop smoking.
Nicola Paterson, Programme Manager for the local lung cancer screening programme, said: “We’re excited to bring the ‘mega lungs’ to Queensgate this weekend to help local people understand the risks of poor lung health, including the dangers of smoking.
“This is a great opportunity to let people in Peterborough know about the NHS lung cancer screening programme, with invitations to the screening already starting to land with current and ex-smokers aged 55-74 in the city.”
Dr Robert Buttery, Consultant Respiratory Physician at Royal Papworth Hospital & Hinchingbrooke Hospital, said: “We know that screening for lung cancer will improve survival from this deadly disease. Unfortunately, we know that at present most lung cancers are identified at a relatively late stage, when a curative treatment such as surgery or intensive radiotherapy is not possible. However, CT screening will now pick up lung cancers at a much earlier stage of the disease and we know from extensive trial data that we should be able to offer curative treatments for most of the lung cancer patients we identify through the Lung Cancer Screening programme. This will have a huge benefit for these patients and their families, and for their chances of surviving and recovering from the cancer.”
Paula Chadwick, Chief Executive of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, added: “Lung cancer isn’t something people like to talk about but it’s vital that we do because these conversations can save lives. We need to lose the stigma and perceptions around lung cancer and be more open about this disease that affects so many of us.
“Lung cancer screening is helping more people get diagnosed earlier, when lung cancer is easier to treat and can be cured. It’s so important that everyone who is invited for screening takes up the opportunity because it really could save their life.”
Dr Malcolm Lawson, Consultant Respiratory Physician and East of England Cancer Alliance Clinical Lead for Lung Cancer, said: “We are really pleased that the Lung Cancer Screening Programme is being expanded to new locations around the East of England region including Peterborough and Huntingdon. We strongly encourage local people to get involved and take up their invites.
“If you are a current or former smoker, and you receive an invite to the screening programme, please take up the invite and book an appointment to get your lungs checked.
“Checks are free for everyone taking part and are available to people at participating GP practices. Mega lungs are a great way to raise awareness and get the message out to the community. We look forward to seeing you there.”
So far, more than one million people across the country have taken up their lung cancer screening invitations and screening has diagnosed over 5,500 people with lung cancer with 431 cases of lung cancer in the East of England region since the programme started (234 at stage 1 and 66 at stage 2). Over 70% of these lung cancers were found at an early stage (1 or 2), compared to fewer than 30% of lung cancers detected at an early stage outside the screening programme.
Lung cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer in the UK. There are often no signs or symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage.
Lung cancer screening aims to find lung cancer early, sometimes before you have symptoms. If you're aged between 55 and 74 and have ever smoked, you may be offered an NHS lung health check (lung cancer screening). If you're eligible, you'll get a letter or phone call from your GP or a local NHS service inviting you to an appointment.