School break advice | News and events


School break advice

As schools across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Royston head into the summer holidays this week, the local NHS is offering parents and carers some advice and tips on how to help the NHS this summer.

The simplest thing is having a well-stocked first aid kit, both at home and when out and about over the holidays. To help treat any minor medical problems quickly basic first aid items such as plasters, bandages, antiseptic wipes and painkillers should be easily accessible, and can be stored in a car or in a bag taken out for the day. For ease small first aid kits can be bought with everything needed in a handy small bag, meaning it’s easy to carry on a day out or take on holiday.

Pharmacies are not just there to collect your prescriptions, they also sell a wide range of medications which can be purchased without the need for a trip to the GP. The Pharmacy First scheme can offer treatment and some prescription medicine for the following conditions for children; earache (for children 1-17); impetigo (for children over 1); infected insect bites (for children over 1); sinusitis (for children over 12); and sore throats (for children over 5). Find a local pharmacy by searching ‘find a pharmacy’ online.

Locally there are four centres that can help with minor illnesses and injuries such as sprains, strains, broken bones, minor burns and scalds, minor head and eye injuries, cuts, bites and stings. These centres are:

  • Ely Minor Injury Unit
  • Doddington Minor Injury Unit
  • Wisbech Minor Injury Unit
  • Peterborough Urgent Treatment Centre.

Dr Fiona Head, Medical Director at NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, said: “To make the most of the summer holidays, it's important we take these simple steps to stay well and get healthcare support we need from the right place.

“If anyone in your family does start to feel unwell and you need some advice, please use NHS 111 first. It can link you to the right service for your issue, and will get you to speak to a doctor or nurse if necessary. Together we can all stay well and enjoy the summer holidays.”

For more information take a look at the local NHS website at

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