GP Connect Structured Data Goes Live in New Dashboard View | Latest News - Shared Care Record

Latest Shared Care Record News

Latest Shared Care Record news

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GP Connect Structured Data Goes Live in New Dashboard View

More data has been released into the Shared Care Record from Primary Care for users across our eight partners to access. A simpler way of accessing Primary Care medication and allergy information is now presented into the Person Summary part of the Shared Care Record.


The medications and allergy data will be displayed in new viewers, available from the Person Summary dashboard, and will allow functionality to sort, search, and group information in a variety of ways.


This release of data and functionality coincides with a corresponding upgrade to the Shared Care Record and a new Person Summary dashboard which will over time become the primary method of accessing data from a number of sources, in one place for ease of access. The new dashboard view will display dashboard cards that users can expand to open more information about the subject. It will provide easy access to some of the most popular GP data being provided from GP Connect. For instance, allowing users to view all the medication information in one place.


The medications and allergy information, together with wider Primary, Community and Social Care data will continue to be available via the static views in the CDV Tree on the left-hand side navigation bar.


Over the coming weeks, more data feeds are expected to go live into the Shared Care Record. Currently these are planned in for:


  • Demographic, encounter, and documents from Royal Papworth Hospital
  • Care Plans, assessments, MH detention status from CPFT
  • Demographic, encounter information from CUH


As more data becomes available, the Shared Care Record will evolve to become a richer resource to further support the delivery of improved care and generate efficiencies for all partners.

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