Social Care Data goes live | Latest News - Shared Care Record

Latest Shared Care Record News

Latest Shared Care Record news

Here you can find the latest news on the Shared Care Record in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough...

Social Care Data goes live

Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council achieve a key milestone in the deployment of the Shared Care Record as they start to share social care data with partners.

This marks a great step towards better integrated care across the region and will allow users across our eight partner organisations to see adult social care information for the first time. 

Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council are now sharing selected information about a person they are supporting, such as key medical and care history, including family history, assessments, referrals and details of any equipment or adaption they require to support daily living. 

The Shared Care Record safely and securely connects patient information across a range of health and social care organisations throughout the region and will transform the way in which staff access data.

People who use health and care services require more joined-up care than ever to meet their needs. This will therefore significantly improve the quality of care for people and sense of satisfaction for staff.

The Shared Care Record has facilitated a more joined-up approach between health and social care. It gives health and social care professionals access to the right data and technology to make more informed decisions and helps create a more agile workforce with care workers and nurses easily moving between roles in the NHS and the care sector.

Both Councils have worked incredibly hard on their data sharing connections – the data shared is closely aligned with the Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) and offers a real-time, on-demand, feed.

It follows the release of the Government’s  People at the Heart of Care: adult social care reform white paper , which sets out ambitions for health and social care professionals to have access to more information in order to provide the best possible care.

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