Let’s Talk - Primary Care in Sutton and surrounding areas

We understand how important local access to health and care services is to our communities.  

In April 2023, Malling Health became the interim contract holder to provide primary care services to the patients of Priors Field Surgery in Sutton. Malling Health has now held a caretaker contract to provide primary care services from Priors Field Surgery for 18 months, and will continue to do so until 31 March 2025. 

Whilst we are pleased that a caretaker contract has been in place to ensure patients could continue to access primary care services in Sutton in the short term, we  want to ensure that people in and around Sutton can continue to access GP services at Priors Field Surgery in the long term. That’s why we’ve run a full procurement process for a new ten-year contract to provide GP services from Priors Field Surgery, with potential for a five-year extension.  

As a result of the procurement process, St Mary’s Surgery has been awarded the contract to provide GP-led services to the patients of Priors Field Surgery. St Mary’s Surgery is an experienced provider of NHS GP services and manages another practice in the local area. For more information about St Mary’s Surgery please visit www.stmarysely.nhs.uk 

Public Feedback

As promised at the public meetings, we have compiled a Let's Talk Sutton - Public Engagement Report. The report shares the feedback received from local people, highlighting the key themes of conversation and shares the next steps. The Priors Field Surgery's PPG Healthcare Summary Report is also available.


How you can have your say…

Thank you to everyone who has shared views and questions with us so far. We’re still keen to hear about what is most important to you and your community, and how we can look to shape services to meet local needs.

Primary care services are about so much more than just your local GP. It is about the wider range of roles and services provided within primary care, such as specialist nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, social prescribers, paramedics, and midwives, and how we look to deliver these services in the future. 

That's why we're keen to set up a Reference Group for this work with local people who are experts in healthcare services, planning and buildings, community engagement, wellbeing and children and young people’s services. We’ll also share information on our website and work alongside the PPG and local councillors to ensure we are reaching all of our local communities. 

If you would like to share your thoughts for Sutton and surrounding areas, or find out more about the Reference Group, then please email us at cpicb.letstalk@nhs.net  

Priors Field Surgery - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who are the new providers? 

St Mary’s Surgery has been awarded the contract to provide GP-led services to the patients of Priors Field Surgery. St Mary’s Surgery is an experienced provider of NHS GP services and manages another practice in the local area. For more information about St Mary’s Surgery please visit www.stmarysely.nhs.uk 

Will there be any changes to services at my GP practice?  

You will continue to receive the same NHS services as you do now. The GP clinical system will remain the same and St Mary’s Surgery will have access to all patient records and information. 

Will my GP change?  

You may no longer see the same GP as you do now. Please be aware that some practice staff may decide not to be employed by the new provider. This decision will be for individuals to make based on their individual circumstances. St Mary’s Surgery is committed to providing high quality services for patients and will seek to minimise any disruption to staff and patients. 

Do I need to contact the practice to re-register?  

No, you do not need to do anything if you haven’t already registered at another surgery. The GP clinical system will remain the same. St Mary’s Surgery will adopt this system and have access to all patient records and information of current care and treatment. 

Can I choose to register at a different practice?  

If, for any reason, you want to change your GP practice, you will need to register as a new patient. You can find GP practices near you on the www.nhs.uk website. You will need to contact the GP practice you wish to be registered at directly.   

Will there be any changes to how I book appointments?   

Patients should continue to book appointments as they do now. If there are any changes to how you contact the practice or to services available, you will be updated.  

Can I still access my patient records and request repeat prescriptions online? 

Yes, you can continue to access your records and request repeat prescriptions as you do now. 

Who can I contact for further support? 

You can contact the NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Patient Experience Team for free by telephone on: 0800 279 2535, or by emailing cpicb.pet@nhs.net or online at www.cpics.org.uk/patient-experience-team 

Alternatively, if you wish to speak to an independent organisation, you can contact your local Healthwatch Team on 0330 355 1285. Healthwatch is an independent organisation that supports people to have a say when decisions are made about their healthcare services. You can find more information online at www.healthwatchcambridgeshire.co.uk/