Cervical cancer screening

As part of Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (22-28 January), the local NHS is launching a programme aiming to increase the uptake of appointments for cervical cancer screening in Peterborough, Huntingdonshire and Fenland.
North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership, part of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System, have received funding from the East of England Cancer Alliance to run outreach clinics and education sessions encouraging those who’ve never had a cervical screening test or have not had one for a long time. Data from the end of 2023-24 showed 46 out of 48 GP practices across the north of the county were under the national target of 80% for cervical screening coverage for 25-49 year-olds, and 42 out of 48 GP practices across the north of the county were under the national target of 80% for cervical screening coverage for 50-64 year-olds.
The outreach clinics will take place at various community locations and at different times of the day, such as evenings, helping to improve access to these vital screening appointments. A range of cervical screening FAQ videos in several languages have been recorded to support in raising awareness of the importance of cervical screening, to engage diverse communities and overcome language and cultural barriers locally. Local GP practices have also taken part in a video to offer some information as to why cervical screening is offered and what to expect at a cervical screening appointment.
Dr Abby Richardson, Clinical Lead for North Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Care Partnership, said “It’s vital you prioritise your health and book your appointment for a cervical screening appointment when you’re invited. It's not a test for cancer, it's a test to help prevent cancer, and screening helps prevent cervical cancer developing or catches it at a very early stage.
“We do understand that having a cervical screening test can be difficult for so many reasons such as access around work or caring responsibilities, or fear of embarrassment or discomfort. I would really urge anyone who is overdue a cervical screening to speak to the someone about it, a friend or relative, or a healthcare professional. When you book you can also ask for a longer appointment so you can talk through any concerns with the nurse on what adjustments you might need.”
A video showing why we offer cervical screening and what to expect at your appointment is on our website.
For more information about cervical screening please visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cervical-screening/
To book a local appointment telephone 01733 666670 and select option 1. Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.