Digital Front Door findings

Findings from recent Digital Front door survey, led by Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough in collaboration with NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, are now live. Over 1,300 people shared their experiences of online access to health care services and what they would like from future digital health care services.
We spent over seven weeks talking to local people about their thoughts on the digital front door services, via an online survey and face-to-face engagement events. We heard that 66% of local people already use digital services some or most of the time for their healthcare needs with the top reasons being to request prescriptions, to use the NHS App, access GP services, review test results or access their own medical records.
Jess Slater, CEO of Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, said: "Listening to local people is key to shaping healthcare services that truly work for them. This survey has given us a better understanding into how digital access can support better health outcomes while highlighting the barriers that some people face. We are committed to ensuring that digital healthcare is accessible, inclusive, and meets the needs of all our communities."
Louis Kamfer, Deputy CEO said: “I would like to thank all of the people who shared their views and opinions with us. Whilst face-to-face and phone options will remain available, we will use the insights from the report to review our plans around our digital and online services, and include this in our progress as a partnership going forwards.”
These insights are being used by the team to write the procurement specification, which we will use to move forwards with a new digital front door for our area. It is important to remember that face to face services for those who need or want to use them will still be available alongside new digital services.
Here you can read the full report.