Order repeat prescriptions now | What's Happening Blog


Order repeat prescriptions now

The local NHS is urging anyone who uses medications regularly to order their repeat prescriptions now, to avoid running out over the holidays.

Every year hundreds of local people run out of the medication they need over the bank holidays – leading to time spent away from festivities with family and friends to arrange an emergency prescription.

Ordering a repeat prescription is easier than ever. Most people can order their medication via the NHS App, or online through their GP practice website. People who can’t or would prefer not to order their prescription online can get their order placed by contacting their GP practice directly.

Most pharmacies take up to five working days to fill a prescription, so by placing any orders now local people can ensure they’ll have enough medication to last throughout the festive period.

Sati Ubhi, Chief Pharmacist with NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, said:

“Running out of regular medication is stressful at any time of year, but can be particularly difficult over the holiday season when many GP practices and pharmacies operate different opening times.

“Don’t risk running out – arrange your repeat prescription now so that you can focus on enjoying time spent with family, friends, and other loved ones over the holidays.”

People who do completely run out of their regular medication over the holiday period can order an emergency supply through NHS 111 via Emergency prescriptions - NHS 111, or by calling 111.

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